Promoting Positive Mental Health at QMUL

On March 14th, Queen Mary University celebrated University Mental Health Day with an innovative approach aimed at promoting positive mental health practices among students.

The stall in Library Square (‘Queen Mary Students’ Union/Diya Mary Selastin’)


The event, organised and run by the Students’ Union team, featured two bustling stalls—one stationed in Library Square and the other in the Garrod Building Foyer.  

The main activity featured at these stalls involved a range of postcards. From serene landscapes to adorable animals, from gleaming cars to whimsical glow-in-the-dark rabbits (yes, glow-in-the-dark rabbits were a must-have!), the assortment catered to a wide range of student preferences. 

Students were asked to pick a postcard that resonated with them and write on the back what ‘flourishing’ means to them. 

Students had very different interpretations of ‘flourishing’. One student wrote “Flourishing means to be free!!!” Another wrote “Flourishing means to grow and develop in a healthy way.” A different interpretation again was “Flourishing means unleashing the child in you.”

The task was deliberately kept open-ended to accommodate various interpretations, allowing students to express themselves freely. Interestingly, some participants found this approach challenging, prompting them to seek clarification. This reaction might reflect the conventional expectation of clear instructions, common in academic assessments and exams. The freedom to express oneself without a predefined 'right way' may have felt unfamiliar or uncomfortable to some. This highlights the importance of cultivating creativity and flexibility in educational environments, where students can explore diverse perspectives and approaches.

The postcard activity proved immensely popular, leading to the stalls running out of supplies. 

Alongside this, students also enjoyed engaging with wellbeing bingo cards, which featured simple actions like 'talk to a friend' and 'stretch your body' aimed at promoting self-care. Additionally, an easter egg prize draw added to the day's festivities.

Reflecting on the successful day, Marianne Melsen (Head of Student Voice and Insights) said “It was brilliant to see how thoughtfully students reflected on what flourishing means to them. We know that many students feel under constant pressure to perform and achieve their goals – academically and in life more generally – so it was really encouraging to see how students emphasised wellbeing, self-kindness and emotional fulfilment as core parts of flourishing.” 

A massive thank you to the team at the Students’ Union that ran the stalls and helped promote positive mental health - Iffat Kabir (Student Voice Administrator), Tahmid Khan (VP Welfare), Serena Al-Jabbar (President), Ruth Truscott (Welfare and Liberation Coordinator) and Marianne Melsen (Head of Student Voice and Insights).


Flourishing Symposium 2024


Barts and the London Arts at the Queen Mary Festival of Education